General Information about the Venue

ISHS Montreal

July 10-14 2017


The Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), in collaboration with the Observatoire de l’Humour, is proud to host the 2017 International Society for Humor Studies Conference in La belle province of Quebec, more precisely in downtown Montréal.

The Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) is a public French-language university of international influence. The quality of its programs, its research into social issues and its innovations in the creative arts are the cornerstones of its reputation. An active participant in the social, economic and cultural advancement of society, UQAM has trained more than 200,000 graduates currently active in a variety of fields. More than forty years after its founding, the University remains faithful in its mission to train the next generations as well as individuals already in the job market, and to offer access to its resources to the greatest number of people possible ( UQAM is the Alma Mater of numerous comedians, comedy actors and comedy businessmen and women.

Located in the heart of the Quartier des spectacles, an international centre for artistic creation, UQAM offers not only conference venues of international standards, but also the opportunity to access a variety of cultural activities, venues and shows just a short walk away. The neighbourhood is vibrant with students, visitors and locals, and hosts a large number of restaurants and cafés for all budgets and to satisfy all tastes.

UQAM’s location also provides the opportunity to easily travel throughout the city of Montréal using public transportation, mainly the subway (Metro). Visitors can walk through Chinatown, the Old City of Montréal, get to the Olympic Stadium or go shopping on Ste. Catherine Street in less than 10 minutes using the Metro. If you come from outside the country, you should be able to get more for your money, as the Canadian dollar is appreciably lower than the Euro, the British pound and the American dollar.